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Sample Week Day 3...this is week 2 of an 8-week cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-37:00 Strength

37:00-46:00 Transition to Workout

46:00-55:00 Workout

55:00-60:00 Cool-down


3 Rounds

2 Wall Walks

4 Pull-ups or Kip swings

6 Squat Jumps

8 Hanging Knee Raises

Upper Body Strength:

Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):

8 Snatch Grip Bent Over Rows

—1 minute transition to racks—

Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):

8 Barbell Push Press


Sets 1-2: 70-75%

Sets 3-4: 75-80%

*last week we did 6 reps, next week will be 10, then we go back to 6s to reach a 6-rep max

*NOTE: you will most likely see more pulling movements especially in strength sections than others will typically program. I do this for very specific reasons…CrossFit can be very shoulder/overhead heavy if you are not careful. I not only look at that volume throughout the week, but also add pulling to balance it out which keeps shoulders healthy. I will look to always try to have 1:1 balance between push:pull.



2 Pull-ups

2 Box Jumps

*add 2 reps each round

*Pace: Aggressive Through the round of 14 + 16 pull-ups, Solid: Through the round of 14, Limit: Through the round of 12 + 14 pull-ups

*try to stay unbroken on pull-ups as long as you can and maintain no more than 3 sets as the time goes on, steady pace on the box jumps

Beginner: Ring Rows, 16/12”

Scaled: Jumping/Banded Pull-ups, 20/16”…or 4-6 reps of each movement for the 9 minutes

*NOTE: this scaling option of changing the reps is something I don’t think people utilize enough, this allows those that can do the movement to do the movement the whole workout, while it might be a bit of a different stimulus the progress this allows these individuals to make overrides that, IMO

Rx: 24/20”

Rx+: chest to bar, 24/20”