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Day 3 Week 3 of 6 S&E Track

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-32:00 Strength

32:00-40:00 Transition to Endurance

40:00-55:00 Endurance

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Glute Bridges

Banded Walks

Iron Crosses

Specific Warm-up

Progress to starting weights


Alt. EMOM 12:

6 Single DB Floor Press (3 each arm)

6 Single KB Knee Supported Rows (3 each arm)

6 Barbell Good Mornings (moderate weight)


  • Reps and sets decreased from last week, try to increase weight

  • last week of these movements then we will switch it up


  • 12 minutes


  • As is


  • Error on the lighter side for Good Mornings to ensure back health

Endurance Prep

2-3 Rounds

4 Alt. DB Snatch

4 Single DB Lunges

Auxiliary Strength:

6 Rounds For Quality

8 Alt. DB Snatch

12 Single DB Lunges

PACE GOAL: consistent reps each round


  • Still working getting used to moving a heavier DB…sometimes you need to FAFO and use a heavier weight, if you are easily flying through the snatch reps every round, you are not challenging yourself

  • Remember, there are weights in between all levels. If you can’t use a 50, what about the 45 or 40 instead of just going down to the 35


  • Sometimes you need to FAFO, see what DB weight you can get to, use a KB if needed

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

Single Arm DB Reverse Flys 4x8 each arm

Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows 4x8 each arm

Earlier Event: September 3
Day 2 Week 3 of 6 S&E Track
Later Event: September 4
Day 3 Week 3 of 6 CF Track