0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Endurance
20:00-44:00 Endurance
44:00-49:00 Transition to GO BEYOND Accessory Work
49:00-55:00 GO BEYOND Accessory Work
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Lying Hamstring Stretch
Wall Quad Stretch
Down Dog to Child’s Pose
Endurance Prep
2 Rounds
12 Flutter Kicks
12 Russian Twists
6 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks
6 Push-ups
6 Russian KB Swings
Alt. Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes (4 sets of each)
30 Flutter Kicks (15 each leg)
30 Russian Twists (15 each way)
10 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks @50/35
10 Push-ups
10 Russian KB Swings @70/53
PACE GOAL: 2:00 or less on the core work, around 3 rounds each AMRAP
Improvements for the long workout pre-test from week 1
Rest as needed in between core movements
Stay consistent each round of the AMRAP
Pick up where you left off each AMRAP
BEGINNER: 25/15, knees or hands elevated push-ups, 26/18
SCALED: 35/20, knees or hands elevated push-ups, 53/35
Rx+: 70/50, hand release push-ups
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
3 Rounds
15/10 Calorie Bike
100m Run