0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD
20:00-40:00 WOD
40:00-47:00 Transition to GO BEYOND Accessory Work
47:00-55:00 GO BEYOND Accessory Work
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 Rounds
Band Pass Throughs
Band Pull Aparts
Band Lat Stretch
Band Good Mornings
WOD Prep
2 Rounds
250/200m Row
5 Shoulder to Overhead
5 Pull-ups
500/400m Row
20 Shoulder to Overhead @95/65
20 Pull-ups
PACE GOAL: 4-5 Rounds
Improvement for “Jacki Fun Run”
Row should be 2:00 or less each round
No more than two sets each round for S2OH
No more than 4 sets each round on pull-ups
If you only have enough rower for half the class then change the format:
Alt. Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes (4 sets of each)
500/400m Row, rest for the remainder of the 3 minutes
AMRAP 3: 10 S2Oh + 10 Pull-ups
BEGINNER: 400/320m Row, 45/35, Ring Rows
SCALED: 75/55 and/or change format to 250/200m Row, 10 S2OH, 10 Pull-ups for those that can do pull-ups but 20 will significantly slow them down with the original format
Rx+: 115/80, Chest to Bar
COMP: 115/80, Chest to Bar, all reps must be unbroken with original format, 135/95, Chest to Bar with equipment modification, all reps must be unbroken
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
Alt. EMOM 8
12 Prone Ts
12 Supermans