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Day 6 Week 3 of 6 S&E Track

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Endurance

20:00-48:00 Endurance

48:00-60:00 GO BEYOND Accessory Work (optional)

48:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 Rounds

PVC Lat Stretch

PVC Good Mornings

PVC Figure 4s

Thread the needle

Endurance Prep

2-3 Rounds

10 Russian KB Swings

8 Box Jump Overs

4 Single KB Hang Squat Cleans (build to Endurance weight)

2 Synchro Burpees


Partner 2 Rounds For Time

100 Russian KB Swings @53/35

80 Box Jump Overs @24/20”

40 Single KB Hang Squat Cleans

20 Synchronized Burpees

PACE GOAL: 22:00-28:00


  • split all reps besides burpees as needed

  • recommend 10s on the swings, 4s or 8s on the BJO, 10s on the squat cleans

  • chest must be on the ground at the same time, breathe and move

BEGINNER: 26/18, 16/12” (find a height you can jump on even if that is stacking plates), front squats 75/55, split up downs

SCALED: 35/26, 20/16”, 115/80

Rx+: 70/53, Box Clear Overs 24/20”

COMP: 90/70, 30/24”

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

100m Team Tire Flip Race

*as many people as you want on a team, one or multiple people flipping


1 mile Team Sled Drag Race

*moderate weight on the sled, as many people as you want on a team, switch as needed


Actually do some stretching after the workout :)

Earlier Event: July 26
Day 5 Week 3 of 6 CF Track
Later Event: July 29
Day 1 Week 4 of 6 S&E Track