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Day 2 Week 1 of 10 CF Track

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-25:00 Technical Work

25:00-35:00 Transition to WOD (warm-up all three movements)

35:00-53:00 WOD

53:00-60:00 Cool-down/Accessory Work

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Iron Crosses

Forearm Stretch

Thread the needle

Pigeon Stretch

Technical Work

2-3 Sets of 3-5 Reps of 2-position Clean High Pulls (VIDEO)

2-3 Sets of 3-5 Reps of Slow Power Cleans (VIDEO)


  • empty barbell or light weight

  • do at least on set on command of each movement

  • 2-position: start on the ground, say “1” they move to the knee, say “2” they move to the high hang or launch position, say “go” they complete the high pull…don’t be afraid to hold in positions to coach them on their positions

  • Slow: start on the ground, this is a slow 4-count, as you count they slowly move to the knee to the high hang or launch in a continuous manner, once you get to 4 they complete the power clean

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

5 Deadlift

5 Bench Press

5 Power Cleans

*build to starting weights


“Interval Linda”

3 Rounds For Reps

1 minute Max Rep Deadlift @1.5 x bodyweight

1 minute Rest/Transition

1 minute Max Rep Bench Press @bodyweight

1 minute Rest/Transition

1 minute Max Rep Power Cleans @75% of bodyweight

1 minute Rest/Transition


  • If you weigh 200#, this would be a 300# Deadlift, 200# Bench Press and 150# Power Cleans

PACE GOAL: Max reps with solid technique…check your ego and go for quality over quantity :) We will retest this in Week 7


  • Partner people up so they can use one barbell

  • Have a row of barbells for Deadlift

  • Have a row of barbells for Power Cleans

  • Benches in the racks

  • One partner starts on Deadlift, one partner starts on Bench Press

  • After the first minute they have they next minute to transition to the next lift and change weight if needed, go in order…Deadlift to Bench Press, Bench to Cleans, Cleans to Deadlift


  • If you do not have enough barbells or you feel this format and set-up are too confusing then change the Deadlifts to Heavy Russian KB Swings, the Bench Press to Single DB Bench Press (switch hands as needed, try to get an even amount on each side), Keep the Power Cleans

  • If you do change this, make sure this is what you repeat in week 7


  • Heavy Burn

  • These should be heavyish weights moving for a moderate to high amount of reps


  • Single reps on Deadlift and Power Cleans as needed

  • Rack the barbell on Bench Press as needed

BEGINNER: Russian KB Swings, Single DB Bench Press, KB Upright Rows

SCALED: choose a weight that allows for 10+ reps each minute on each movement, but no more than 20

JACKEDuary Day 2

50 Single Arm, Single Leg V-ups

Earlier Event: January 6
Day 1 Week 1 of 10 CF Track
Later Event: January 8
Day 3 Week 1 of 10 S&E Track