*we are having some fun with Indiana area codes…fitness is fun, remember that

1) Alt. EMOM 12:

3 x Front Squats (complete 3 front squats, rest for the remainder of the minute)

1 x Squat Clean (complete 1 squat clean, rest for the remainder of the minute)

7 x Deadlift (complete 7 deadlifts, rest for the remainder of the minute)

Level 3: weight is 85% of your clean 1 RM

Level 2: weight is 80% of your clean 1 RM

Level 1: weight is 75% or less of your clean 1RM

2) Alt. EMOM 12:

8 x Box Jumps

1 x Power Snatch

2 x Hang Squat Snatches

*all movements are done in the minute, rest for the remainder of the minute, if you get to a point you can no longer complete the work in the minute turn the remaining time into an AMRAP

Level 3: Box 30/24”, build in weight

Level 2: Box 24/20”, build in weight

Level 1: Box 20/16” or less or step-ups, build in weight

3) Alt. EMOM 12:

7 x Power Cleans (complete 7 power cleans, rest for the remainder of the minute)

6 x Push Jerks (complete 6 push jerks, rest for the remainder of the minute)

5 x Hang Squat Clean and Jerks (complete 5 hang squat clean and jerks, rest for the remainder of the minute)

Level 3: weight is 70% of your clean 1 RM

Level 2: weight is 65% of your clean 1 RM

Level 1: weight is 60% or less of your clean 1RM

4) Alt. EMOM 12:

3 x Clusters (complete 3 clusters, rest for the remainder of the minute) *these are squat clean thrusters

1 x 200m run (complete a 200m run, rest for the remainder of the minute)

7 x Deadlift + 7 x Bar Facing Burpees (complete 7 deadlift and 7 bar facing burpees, rest for the remainder of the minute)

Level 3: 200m run, build in weight

Level 2: 150m run, build in weight

Level 1: 100m run, build in weight