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Day 3 CF Track Week 2 of 7 Phase 1 Cycle 1

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-30:00 Skill Work

30:00-35:00 Transition to WOD

35:00-51:00 WOD

51:00-60:00 Cool-down/Accessory Work

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Forearm Stretch

Thread the Needle

Arm Circles 10/10/10 (forward/backward/side to side)

PVC Figure 4s (VIDEO)

PVC Lat Stretch

Skill Work

7-minute block

Pull-ups: Kip Swings + Pulls for Kipping Pull-ups, Reverse Bicycle Pulls (VIDEO) for Butterfly and/or Bar Hang or Ring Rows (these all can be utilized depending on the levels of your members in class)

—1 minute transition—

7-minute time block

Review HSPU set up (VIDEO)

Then work on that placement with negatives (on wall or piked on box, VIDEO)


  • The purpose here is to coach, not stand and watch

  • It should be a good mix of instruction and movement, but remember this is practice and a warm-up so it should not fatigue them

WOD Prep

2 Rounds

12 Double Unders/Plate Hops/Single Unders

4 Pull-ups

6 Box Jumps

2 Handstand Push-ups


8 Rounds For Time

24 Double Unders

8 Pull-ups

12 Box Jumps @24/20”

4 Handstand Push-ups

SCORE: Time of completion

PACE GOAL: 14:00-16:00


  • Delayed Burn

  • Rounds 1-3 will feel fine

  • 4-5 will start to get tough

  • 6-8 will be rough


  • Try to stay unbroken on the double unders

  • No more than two sets on pull-ups

  • Steady pace on the box jumps

  • The low reps should allow you to stay unbroken

  • Remember to always pick the appropriate level for each movement, just because you have to scale one thing does not mean you scale everything, If you can Rx+ some, but not all then Rx+ some, but not all.

  • If you go through rounds in 1:30 or under then you are not challenging yourself enough

BEGINNER: Line Hops, Ring Rows, 8 Gorilla Rows (VIDEO) or 3 Rope Pulls (up and down = 1 rep, VIDEO), 16/12” (find a height to jump on even if that is on rubber plates, step-ups will not help you get box jumps, jumping will), Double DB Strict Press

SCALED: Plate Hops on 45# rubber plate or 36 Single Unders, Banded Pull-ups, 8 Gorilla Rows (VIDEO) or 3 Rope Pulls (up and down = 1 rep, VIDEO), 20/16”, Modified HSPU or Heavy Double DB Strict Press

Rx+: Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Deficit HSPU

COMP: 36 Double Unders, 12 Chest to Bar, 18 Box Jumps @34/20”, 6 Strict HSPU

JACKEDuary Day 3

Barbell Front Rack Lunges 4x8 (4 per leg)