0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-30:00 Skill Work
30:00-35:00 Transition to WOD
35:00-51:00 WOD
51:00-60:00 Cool-down/Accessory Work
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Forearm Stretch
Thread the Needle
Arm Circles 10/10/10 (forward/backward/side to side)
PVC Figure 4s (VIDEO)
PVC Lat Stretch
Skill Work
7-minute block
Pull-ups: Kip Swings + Pulls for Kipping Pull-ups, Reverse Bicycle Pulls (VIDEO) for Butterfly and/or Bar Hang or Ring Rows (these all can be utilized depending on the levels of your members in class)
—1 minute transition—
7-minute time block
Review HSPU set up (VIDEO)
Then work on that placement with negatives (on wall or piked on box, VIDEO)
The purpose here is to coach, not stand and watch
It should be a good mix of instruction and movement, but remember this is practice and a warm-up so it should not fatigue them
WOD Prep
2 Rounds
12 Double Unders/Plate Hops/Single Unders
4 Pull-ups
6 Box Jumps
2 Handstand Push-ups
8 Rounds For Time
24 Double Unders
8 Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps @24/20”
4 Handstand Push-ups
SCORE: Time of completion
PACE GOAL: 14:00-16:00
Delayed Burn
Rounds 1-3 will feel fine
4-5 will start to get tough
6-8 will be rough
Try to stay unbroken on the double unders
No more than two sets on pull-ups
Steady pace on the box jumps
The low reps should allow you to stay unbroken
Remember to always pick the appropriate level for each movement, just because you have to scale one thing does not mean you scale everything, If you can Rx+ some, but not all then Rx+ some, but not all.
If you go through rounds in 1:30 or under then you are not challenging yourself enough
BEGINNER: Line Hops, Ring Rows, 8 Gorilla Rows (VIDEO) or 3 Rope Pulls (up and down = 1 rep, VIDEO), 16/12” (find a height to jump on even if that is on rubber plates, step-ups will not help you get box jumps, jumping will), Double DB Strict Press
SCALED: Plate Hops on 45# rubber plate or 36 Single Unders, Banded Pull-ups, 8 Gorilla Rows (VIDEO) or 3 Rope Pulls (up and down = 1 rep, VIDEO), 20/16”, Modified HSPU or Heavy Double DB Strict Press
Rx+: Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Deficit HSPU
COMP: 36 Double Unders, 12 Chest to Bar, 18 Box Jumps @34/20”, 6 Strict HSPU
JACKEDuary Day 3
Barbell Front Rack Lunges 4x8 (4 per leg)