0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD
45:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Iron Crosses
Up Dog to Down Dog
Samson Stretch
Infant Squats (VIDEO)
Specific Warm-up
3 Rounds
5 Front Squats @light to moderate weight
10 Lying Straight Leg Raises
Front Squats
3x4 @75-80%
3x3 @80-85%
Cycling a heavy weight, this helps prepare for the rep max in week 7 as well as being able to breath and move under heavy load which helps for The Open
15 minutes
Every 2:30 for 15 minutes
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
6 Russian KB Swings
4 Burpees over KB
2 Squat Snatch
8 Russian KB Swings @70/53
6 Burpees over KB
4 Squat Snatch @95/65
SCORE: Rounds + Reps
PACE GOAL: 6-8 Rounds
Push and Pray
Continuing to work on cycling the barbell in snatch in different ways
We had a workout that was Dubs, Sit-ups and 10 Snatch @95/65, then we went to a workout with Lateral Bar Hops, Pull-ups and 6 Snatch @115/80, now we increase the difficulty level with lower weight and reps
This is a heavier than normal weight for swings which will carry over to your deadlift, flex your butt to snap your hips, this will help your back not get tight, stay unbroken throughout
Steady pace on the burpees
As we have been doing, try to string some together on squat snatch 3/1, 2/2…go to singles when needed, but try to string some together first
If they have the mobility, but just can’t drop straight into a squat snatch then they can do a power snatch + overhead squat for each rep
If they do not have the mobility for the squat snatch (overhead squat), then have them keep the Rx weight and do power snatch, working on stringing reps together then 4 front or back squats to keep the stimulus similar, this will obviously affect the pace goal a bit
BEGINNER: 35/26, Up Downs, Wall Balls, 14/10
SCALED: 53/35, 75/55 and/or any of the member considerations
Rx+: 88/62, 115/80
COMP: 106/70, 135/95 all must be unbroken
JACKEDuary Day 2
50 Plate Calf Raises (VIDEO)
50 Empty Barbell Curls