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Day 2 CF Track Week 5 of 7 Phase 1 Cycle 1

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Cardio + Core

20:00-35:00 Cardio +Core

35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD

45:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Mountain Climbers

Up Dog to Down Dog

Lying Quad Stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Specific Warm-up

1 Round

10/7 Calorie Bike

10 MB Wall Sit Rotations

10/8 Calorie Row

10 Hollow Rocks

Cardio + Core

Alt Every 2:30 minutes for 15 minutes

1 minute Bike + 20 sec Transition + 40 sec MB Wall Sit Rotations (VIDEO)

1 minute Row + 20sec Transition + 40sec Max Hollow Rocks

SCORE: Max Reps: MB Wall Sit Rotations + Hollow Rocks


  • Increased heart rate and leg fatigue on the bike, then static leg strength and core rotational strength under fatigue

  • Increased heart rate and grip fatigue on the row, then static grip strength with core linear strength under fatigue

  • We will stick with the RPE of 7 on the bike and row, the 30 sec will not be much rest so the feel will be continuous


  • You can start people on different stations and rotate through, you will do each station three times

  • The remaining 30 sec in the interval allows for quick transition time


  • I would use the interval function on the clock and set it for 6 intervals of 2:00 work and 30 sec rest, counting up

  • Can scale to hugging the knee for hollow rocks (20sec each) if needed

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

2/1 Strict Pull-up

3 Power Cleans



5/3 Strict Pull-ups

5 Power Cleans @165/115

SCORE: Rounds + Reps

PACE GOAL: 9-11 Rounds


  • Delayed Strength Fatigue

  • This will be a Strength WOD…your heart rate will increase, but the limiting factor will be muscle fatigue

  • As the weeks have progressed we did 4 Chest to Bar, then moved to 8 Chin Over Bar, then to 10 Chin Over Bar, then back down to 6 Chest to Bar, now we go back down to level up again with the 5/3 Strict Pull-ups


  • Strict pull-ups will start to go much the way push-ups do in a WOD, break early if needed to stay consistent longer

  • Steady singles with a moderate to heavy weight

BEGINNER: KB Upright Rows, 95/65

SCALED: Chest to Bar, Chin over bar, banded pull-ups or heavy KB upright rows, 135/95

Rx+: Bar MU, 185/125

Comp: 5 Ring MU, 225/155

FIT February Day 2

5 minute block

20 Lying Leg Raises

30 Scissor Kicks (VIDEO)

40 Flutter Kicks

Max Front Plank with remaining time