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Day 4 CF Track Week 5 of 7 Phase 1 Cycle 1

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-33:00 Strength

33:00-42:00 Transition to WOD

42:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Iron Crosses

Glute Bridges

Lateral Band Walk

Samson Stretch

Hang From Rig

Specific Warm-up

3 Rounds

6,4,2 Deadlift (build up)

20 Scissor Kicks

*Round one 6 deadlifts, Round two 4, etc.



3x4 @75-80%

2x3 @80-87%


  • Cycling heavy weight for reps with some high percentage triples


  • 13 minutes


  • Every 2:30 for 12:30

WOD Prep

1 Round

10 Lateral Hops over KB

8 AbMat Sit-ups

6 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

10 Double Unders/Plate Hops/Single Unders

8 V-ups

6 Barbell Upright Rows


2 Rounds For Time: 6 minute cap

40 Lateral Hops over KB

20 AbMat Sit-ups

20 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @53/35

—1 minute rest between sections—

2 Rounds For Time: 6 minute cap

40 Double Unders

20 V-ups

20 Barbell Sumo Deadlift @95/65

SCORE: Time of completion for each section

PACE GOAL: 4:45-5:30


  • 0 to 100 Real Quick…x 2

  • There is ZERO pacing on these sections, full send all the way through

  • If you start on the first section, this will have higher heart rate to start then turn to high muscle fatigue with harder versions of the movement in the second section

  • If you start on the second section, this will have a higher muscle fatigue to start then be higher heart with the easier versions of the movement in the first section


  • Unbroken on the Hops

  • Push the pace on the Sit-ups

  • Unbroken on the KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls…focus on using your legs to get momentum into the KB

  • Max set every time you pick up the rope

  • Push the pace on the V-ups

  • Unbroken on the BB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls…focus on using your legs to get momentum into the BB


  • With the time cap and 1 minute rest/transition time you can start people on different sections so you can share a rower

  • If you still need modifications the first option would be Ski with the same calories (this will make it a bit harder to hit the cap), then Bike at 15/10 Calories, then a 200m Sprint


  • This is what we like to call a “kitchen sink” workout…all the equipment :) (KB, AbMat, Jump Rope, Barbell)

  • We don’t program these often, but this helps everyone use the rower hopefully and they are fun to mix in every once in a while

BEGINNER: 30 Lateral Line Hops, 15 AbMat Sit-ups, 15 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @26/18, 30 Linear Line Hops, 20 Flutter Kicks, 45/35

SCALED: 35/26, 40 Plate Hops or 50 Single Unders, Single Arm/Single Leg Alt. V-ups, 75/55

Rx+: 70/53, 115/80

COMP: 50,25,25 on reps @88/62, 50,25,25/20 on reps @115/80

FIT February Day 4

KB Side Bends 4x8 each side (VIDEO)

KB Windmills 3x4 each side (VIDEO)