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Day 6 CF Track Week 6 of 7 Phase 1 Cycle 1

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-52:00 WOD

52:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Up to Down Dog

Child’s Pose

Standing Lateral Lunge (Groin Stretch)

Infant Squats (VIDEO)

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

8/6 Calorie Bike

4 Toes to Bar

2 Squat Cleans


“WOD You Be My Valentine”

Partner 18 Total Rounds For Time

10/6 Calorie Bike

8 Toes to Bar

4 Squat Cleans @135/95

*alternate full rounds with partner

SCORE: Time of completion

PACE GOAL: 27:00-31:30 (1:30-1:45 per round average)


  • If you do an event for this where spouses, friends or significant others will be attending and you need a dialed down version, the Strength & Endurance Track is great for this


  • Delayed Burn

  • The work to rest ratio should be pretty close to even, this allows just enough rest to keep pushing hard

  • Rounds 1-3 should feel pretty good, 4-6 will start to get challenging as muscle fatigue and higher heart rate set in, 7-9 will become more mentally challenging to keep your pace the same


  • Just under max effort on the bike

  • Go for big sets on T2B, we have built up to rep ranges higher than this so try to stay unbroken as long as you can

  • Try to string touch n’ go reps together if you can, go to singles when needed


  • Every 3 minutes for 27 minutes

  • 10/6 Calorie Bike

  • 8 Toes to Bar

  • 4 Squat Cleans @135/95


  • This is a tricky modification if you don’t have enough bikes, we just did row yesterday and the Ski or run will not provide the same stimulus

  • If any pair happened to not come to class Friday, then I would have them row, 10/7 Calories

  • Another good option would be a 50m HEAVY object bear hug or shoulder carry, something to get their heart rate up, use their full body, but not fatigue their grip for the T2B

BEGINNER: Lying Straight Leg Raises, MB Slams, Or Plate Ground to Overhead, MB or Plate Goblet Squats

SCALED: Hanging Straight Leg Raises, MB Slams, Or Plate Ground to Overhead, 115/80

Rx+: 165/115

COMP: Toes to Bar must be unbroken, 185/125

FIT February Day 6

5 minute Wall Sit

*10 Push-ups every time you break