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Day 3 S&E Track Week 1 of 5 Phase 1 Cycle 2

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-25:00 Skill Work

25:00-32:00 Transition to Endurance

32:00-55:00 Endurance

55:00-60:00 Cool-down/Accessory Work

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Plank Up Downs

Pigeon Stretch

Banded Lat Stretch

Banded Shoulder Stretch

Wrist Mobility

Core Strength

Alt. EMOM 10

10 Side Plank Top Leg Raises (5 each side, VIDEO)

10 Plate Drags (5 each way, VIDEO)


  • Slow and controlled quality reps

  • Go to a knee on bottom leg if needed for the leg raises

Endurance Prep

2-3 Rounds

10/6 Calorie Bike

5 Burpees

5 Ring Rows


6 Rounds

3 minute time block

15/9 Calorie Bike

15 Burpees

Max Ring Rows

—1 minute rest between rounds—

SCORE: Reps (Bike+Burpees+Ring Rows)

PACE GOAL: 2:00 or less for the Bike + Burpees


  • Steady Eddy or Betty get Jacked

  • This is 18 minutes of work over a 23-minute period…the 1 minute rest will not feel like much

  • Find a pace on the bike and burpees that you can maintain through all rounds, this will mean going slower and more of a steady pace than you think especially in rounds 1-3

  • The upper body fatigue will begin to accumulate from the burpees and Ring Rows, but you should feel pretty swole :)


  • If you need to share bikes, you can have some do the burpees first then the bike, time frames should be similar enough

  • You can also add a machine if needed, run would not be best for this stimulus


  • 6 Rounds

  • 3 minute block

  • 14/12/10 Calorie Bike (male/mixed/female)

  • 16 Burpees

  • Max Ring Rows with remaining time

  • 1 minute rest between rounds

  • Split reps as needed

BEGINNER: 10/6 Calorie Bike, 10 Up Downs

SCALED: 12/7 Bike, 12 Burpees

FIT February Day 3

5 Rounds

30 seconds of Max Double or Single Unders

30 seconds Rest

30 seconds Weighted Plank

30 seconds Rest