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Day 2 S&E Track Week 2 of 5 Phase 1 Cycle 2

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Cardio Challenge

20:00-32:00 Cardio Challenge

32:00-43:00 Transition to Auxiliary Strength

43:00-55:00 Auxiliary Strength

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Lying Glute Stretch

Lying Hamstring Stretch

Lying Quad Stretch

Lunge and Rotate

Specific Warm-up

1 Round

250/200m Row

200m Run

10/7 Calorie Bike

Cardio Challenge

For Time

500/400m Row

400m Run

30/21 Calorie Bike


  • Beat your score from Week 1, Send it!


  • Time has been allotted to stagger the start to allow 3 people to use the machines

  • If you do not have enough bikes or rowers to stagger then you can pick one of the machines and do 4 Rounds of 2 minutes of Max Calories and 2 minutes rest, if you have enough bikes and rowers for 2 people to share then you can do 2 rounds of each

  • If the weather does not allow the run you can change that to a 300yd shuttle (25ft zones, 12 total lengths) or you can do a 750/600m Row and 40/28 Calorie Bike without the run

  • Whatever you did in Week 1, do that today

  • Remember you have access to me so you can always ask for options

Auxiliary Strength:

Double DB Bench Press 4x8

Single KB Knee Supported Rows 4x8 (4 each arm)

Plate Sit-ups 4x12 (VIDEO)


  • Accessory work for Strict Press

  • Core strength and overhead stabilization


  • 12 minutes


  • Alt. EMOM 12: M1: Bench, M2: Rows, M3: Sit-ups

FIT February Day 3

For Time

20 Plank Up Downs (VIDEO)

30 Supermans

40 Alt. V-ups