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Day 2 CF Track Week 1 of 3 Phase 1 Cycle 2

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength

20:00-32:00 Strength

32:00-40:00 Transition to WOD

40:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Thread the needle


Banded Pull Aparts

Banded Pass Throughs

Wall Scap Slides

Specific Warm-up

3 Rounds

3 Pause Push Jerk (pause in the dip position, coach their position)

6 Double DB Top Down Rows (3 each arm)


  • I would do at least the first round of the pause jerks on command, solid 3-5 second hold in the dip position


Push Jerk 5x5 (from rack)

Double DB Top Down Rows 5x8 (4 each arm, VIDEO)


  • Working on cycling shoulder to overhead with moderate to heavyish weight, good prep for The Open workouts

  • Pulling for back strength and to balance out push/pull ratio for shoulder health


  • 12 minutes


  • Alt. Every 1:15 for 12:30, use the interval clock…technically still 12 minutes, you will do your last set of pulls at the 11:15 mark

WOD Prep

2 Rounds

5 Pull-ups

5 Toes to Bar

5 Power Snatch

10/7 Calorie Bike


4 Rounds

3 minute block

15 Pull-ups/Toes to Bar (2 rounds of each)

12 Power Snatch @75/55

Max Calorie Bike with remaining time

—1 minute rest between rounds—

SCORE: Reps (pull-ups/T2B + Snatch + Bike)

PACE GOAL: 2:00 or less for the Pull-ups/T2B + Snatch, 60/40+ total calories


  • Zero to 100…interval style

  • The 1 minute rest in rounds 1 and 2 will feel like you get a bit recovered before going again, after round 3 it will feel like very little rest

  • Working on Unbroken reps for these movements…working both Pull-ups and Toes to Bar in case they are in workout 1 and it saves taxing on muscle group too much


  • Max set every time you got on the rig or barbell to stay unbroken or as few as sets as possible

  • You can alternate back and for on Pull-ups and T2B or do 2 sets of one then 2 sets of the other

  • 80-90% effort on the bike, just below maximal


  • The bike is ideal here because besides heart rate it isn’t adding extra difficulty to these movements like a Row would (fatiguing the pull for pull-ups and snatch) or Ski (fatiguing the core for T2B and Triceps in the overhead position of the snatch)

  • However, if needed you can add another machine, but I would have the more advanced athletes use those machines because of the added difficulty to stringing reps together

BEGINNER: Ring Rows or DB Rows, Lying Leg Raises, Alt. DB Snatch

SCALED: Jumping Pull-ups or Bent Over Rows with same weight as snatch, Hanging Knee Raises, 65/45

Rx+: 95/65

COMP: Chest to Bar, 115/80

FIT February Day 2

5-10 minutes on machine of your choice or run @recovery pace