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Day 3 Week 3 of 6 Back Squat/HSW/Bench Press/Time Trial

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Gymnastics

20:00-38:00 Gymnastics

38:00-47:00 Transition to WOD

47:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Standing Tricep Stretch

Straight Arm Bicep/Shoulder Stretch on Rig

Up Dog to Down Dog

Specific Warm-up

3 Rounds

5 Single DB Curl to Press each side

30sec Front Plank


Alt. EMOM 9

20sec Handstand Hold on Wall

20sec Prone Ts (VIDEO)

40sec Side Plank (20sec each side)

—1 minute transition—

Alt. EMOM 8

25ft Handstand Walk (or 40sec)

8 Double DB Reverse Flys


  • The Alt. EMOM 9 is to prime those who can walk on their hands and also helping those who have not yet got upside to work on that along with building strength for the skill

  • The Prone Ts are for shoulder warm-up and injury prevention

  • Side planks for core strength

  • The Alt. EMOM 8 works on the handstand walk (or wall walks) in smaller distances (or reps) to build towards improvement for the post-test

  • The Reverse Flys balance out the overhead stress for shoulder health


  • 2-3 Wall Walks each minute in the Alt. EMOM 8, walk as far up the wall as you can each rep

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

6 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks

10 Double or Single Unders



16 Single DB Hang Clean & Jerks @50/35

24 Double Unders

PACE GOAL: 5-6 Rounds


  • Cycling the DB, good time to try and go a little heavier than normal


  • Switch hands when needed, no more than two sets to complete the 16. Alternate 4 reps back and forth for all or until you get to 8, quick break, then back at it

  • Unbroken on double unders

BEGINNER: 25/15, Line Hops

SCALED: 35/20, Single Unders

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

Band Pull Aparts 3x12

Russian Twists 3x30 (15 each way)