0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Olympic Lifting
20:00-34:00 Olympic Lifting
34:00-44:00 Transition to Tabata Challenge
44:00-55:00 Tabata Challenge
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Front Rack Stretch
Quad Stretch
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Forearm Stretch
Specific Warm-up
3 Rounds
3 Quick Power Cleans (VIDEO)
3 Front Squats
*empty barbell or very light weight
Olympic Lifting
14 minutes
Power Clean
Squat Clean
*see level notes below
Transitioning to the squat clean to build toward 1-rep max in week 4
Time frames for all levels is 16 minutes. Beginner focuses on technique. Intermediate focuses on transition to the squat clean. Advanced focuses on building to a heavy weight in a complex.
If someone is going back and forth between which level to do then go to the lower one
BEGINNER OPTION: very new to the lift, most likely does not have the ability to reach a 1-rep max due to technical faults
EMOM 14: 1 Quick Clean + 1 Front Squat
INTERMEDIATE OPTION: max of less than 80% of their bodyweight on Snatch and Jerk and less than 100% of their bodyweight on clean and/or has some limiting mobility issues
EMOM 7: 1 Power Clean, EMOM 7: 1 Squat Clean
ADVANCED OPTION: Max of over 80% of their bodyweight on Snatch and Jerk and over 100% of their bodyweight on clean and does not have any limiting mobility issues
14 minutes to build to heavy complex: 1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean
Tabata Challenge Prep
2-3 Rounds
4 Double DB Lunges
5 Bench Press
6 Ring Rows
Tabata Challenge:
Double DB Lunges @35/20
Bench Press @95/65
Ring Rows
*20sec work/10sec rest x 6 rounds of the same movement, 1 minute rest between movements
PACE GOAL: 8+ Lunges each round, 10+ Bench Press each round, 10+ Ring Rows each round
Muscular endurance to help with the retest of the Tabata Challenge from week 1
Consistent reps on lunges, grip will become a factor
Go for big sets on bench press and ring rows and see how long you can hold on
BEGINNER: No weight on lunges, 45/35
SCALED: 25/15, 75/55
Rx+: 50/35, 115/80
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
100 AbMat Sit-ups