0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-32:00 Strength
32:00-41:00 Transition to WOD
41:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Arm Circles 10/10/10 (forward/backward/side to side)
Wall Scap Slids
Straight Arm Shoulder/Bicep Stretch on Rig
Lat Stretch on Rig
Specific Warm-up
2-3 Rounds
8 Bench Press @empty barbell or very light weight
6 Double DB Top Down Bent Over Rows
Bench Press
2x5 @70%, 2x4 @75%, 2x3 @80%
Double DB Top Down Bent Over Rows (VIDEO)
6x6 (3 each arm)
Starting this cycle heavy, overall focus for this cycle is improving muscular endurance on this lift to prepare for what is needed in The Open
12 minutes
Alt. EMOM 12: Bench Press in the first minute, Rows in the second minute
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
10 Double Unders/Plate Hops/Single Unders
10 AbMat Sit-ups
5 Power Snatch
40 Double Unders
20 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Power Snatch @95/65
PACE GOAL: 5-6 Rounds
Delayed Burn
60-80% intensity and maintain
Heart rate will go up especially when doing the power snatch and double unders back to back, try to breathe and bring your heart rate back down during the sit-ups
Go for big sets on the Double Unders
Steady pace on the sit-ups
Work on stringing reps together, either unbroken or 6/4, 5/5, 4/3/3
BEGINNER: 30 Line Hops, 15 Sit-ups, 10 Power Snatch @45/35 or training bar
SCALED: Plate hops or 50 Single Unders, Plate hops do a better job of simulating the jump and increased heart rate of double unders in my opinion, 75/55
Rx+: 115/80
JACKEDuary Day 4
Double DB Chest Flys 4x8
Double DB Reverse Flys 4x8