0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-35:00 Strength
35:00-44:00 Transition to WOD
44:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Wall Scap Slides
Straight Arm Bicep/Shoulder Stretch on Rig
Pec Stretch on Rig
Lat Stretch on Rig
Plank Up Downs (VIDEO)
Specific Warm-up
2-3 Rounds
5 Bench Press
6 Single DB Knee Supported Rows (3 each arm)
Bench Press
1x10 @60%, 1x8 @65%, 3x6 @70-75%
Single DB Knee Supported Rows
5x10 (5 each arm)
These rep ranges and percentages focus on improving strength endurance
15 minutes
Alt. Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
4 Single KB Hang Cleans (2 each arm)
4 Single KB Overhead Lunges (2 each arm)
8 AbMat Sit-ups
AMRAP 3 x 3 Rounds
10 Single KB Hang Cleans Right Arm @53/35
10 Single KB Overhead Lunges Right Arm
10 Single KB Hang Cleans Left Arm @53/35
10 Single KB Overhead Lunges Left Arm
Max AbMat Sit-ups with remaining time
—1 minute rest between rounds—
Cleans + Lunges + Sit-ups
PACE GOAL: 2:00 or less on the cleans and lunges, 30+ Sit-ups each round
Push & Pray
The 1 minute rest should barely feel like enough after round 1 to be ready for round 2 and just enough to be able to move again for round 3 if you are pushing hard enough
Push hard to do all 10 cleans unbroken right into your lunges, try not to set the KB down and go right into the other side
Steady pace on the Sit-ups
BEGINNER: DB Hang Cleans, 25/15, no weight on the lunges
SCALED: 35/26, hold in one hand in the front rack if mobility limits the overhead weight that can be used
Rx+: 70/53
JACKEDuary Day 5
Barbell Hip Thrust 4x12 (VIDEO)