0:00-20:00 General/Specific Warm-up
20:00-25:00 Transition to WOD
25:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Wall Scap Slides
Wall Quad Stretch
Straight Leg Marches in Place
Pigeon Stretch
Thread the Needle
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
10/7 Calorie Bike
1 Rope Climb
2 Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Cleans
Partner Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes
24/20/16 Calorie Bike (male/mixed/female)
AMRAP with time remaining:
2 Rope Climbs
4 Barbell Complex: 3 Deadlift + 2 Hang Power Cleans @155/105
*pick up where you left off on the AMRAP
SCORE: Rounds + Reps
PACE GOAL: 2:00 or less for the bike calories, 10+ total rounds on the AMRAP
Steady Eddy or Betty Grindin’ All Their Lives
Leg and grip fatigue will start to set in after 3 rounds, find a bike pace from round 1 that doesn’t elevate your heart rate too high so you can maintain throughout
Split the calories equally or 10-11/7-8 for mixed pairs
1 Rope climb each
One complex back and forth
Add another machine if you do not have enough bikes or a 400m Run
The row or ski will still have accumulated leg and grip fatigue, the run will keep the leg fatigue, but not the grip fatigue
If you do not have enough ropes or choose not to do rope climbs then you can modify to 12 DB Sit-ups @50/35, DB on chest, two hands on it
Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes
12/9 Calorie Bike
AMRAP with remaining time
1 Rope Climb
2 Barbell Complex
BEGINNER: 20/16/12 Bike, 12 AbMat Sit-ups, KB Deadlift, KB Upright Rows
SCALED: 12 DB Sit-ups @50/35, 115/80
Rx+: 185/125
JACKEDuary Day 6
Barbell Rollouts 5x6 (VIDEO)