Belfast group.JPG

“Move Belfast(er)”

AMRAP 30: Partner workout
30 x KB Clean & Jerk
60 x KB Lunge & Pass
90 x Russian KB Swings
120 x Shoulder Taps
*EMOM starting at 0:00 Synchronized Burpees

Level 4: KB 70/53, burpees 5
Level 3: KB 53/35, burpees 4
Level 2: KB 35/26, burpees 3
Level 1: KB 26/18, burpees 2

*you may mix and match the levels as needed, for example you can be using the level 3 KB weight and do the level 2 burpees. The goal is to pick levels that will challenge you appropriately. You and your partner do not have to choose the same levels.