Please pay close attention to the assessment instructions and only click the form when you have completed all sections you can or are willing to do.
Thank you for participating and helping us out!
*Make sure you adequately warm-up for each each assessment and give yourself plenty of time in between movements so you feel FULLY recovered before you begin.
*You do not have to do all assessments or movements on the same day.
Pulling Assessment
Max unbroken strict pull-ups: Complete as many full range of motion strict pull-ups in a row as you can without coming off the bar. Limit any rest (hanging on the bar) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a fully extended elbow at the bottom of the hang and chin over the bar at the top. These are strict, NO KIPPING OF ANY KIND. Legs should be at a dead hang. CLICK HERE for video demo.
Max Barbell Bent Over Rows @70-80% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 140-160# on the bar) CLICK HERE to see a demo with an empty barbell. Slight bend in the knee, chest parallel to the ground, limit hitching as much as possible. Limit any rest and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the bottom and barbell touching your upper stomach area at the top.
Max Snatch Grip Barbell Bent Over Rows @60-70% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 120-140# on the bar) CLICK HERE to see a demo with an empty barbell. Slight bend in the knee, chest parallel to the ground, limit hitching as much as possible. Limit any rest and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the bottom and barbell touching your upper stomach area at the top.
Horizontal Push Assessment
Max unbroken strict push-ups: Complete as many full range of motion push-ups in a row as you can. Limit any rest (at the top) and try to move continuously until you fail. Once your knees hit the ground, you are done. Keep your body moving as a unit and limit any wave or worm action. Full range of motion is a fully extended elbow at the top chest to ground at the bottom.
Max Barbell Bench Press @70-80% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 140-160# on the bar) Some part of each foot on the ground, butt/back/head on the bench. Limit any rest (at the top) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and barbell touching your chest at the bottom.
Max Dumbbell Bench Press @40% in each hand of weight used in the barbell bench press. (If you used 150# on barbell bench, then 60 in each hand for this) Some part of each foot on the ground, butt/back/head on the bench. Limit any rest (at the top) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and DB touching the side of your chest at the bottom.
Max Barbell Floor Press @60-70% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 120-140# on the bar) Flat foot on the ground, knees bent, butt/back/head on the floor. Limit any rest (at the top) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and elbows touching the ground at the bottom. CLICK HERE for video.
Max Dumbbell Floor Press @40% in each hand of weight used in the barbell floor press. (If you used 120# on barbell floor press, then 45-50 in each hand for this) Flat foot on the ground, knees bent, butt/back/head on the floor. Limit any rest (at the top) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and elbows touching the ground at the bottom. CLICK HERE for video.
Vertical Strict Push Assessment
Max unbroken Rx strict handstand push-ups: Complete as many full range of motion strict HSPU in a row as you can. Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Once your feet hit the ground, you are done. Keep your body moving as a unit and limit any wave or worm action. Full range of motion is a fully extended elbow at the top and head to ground at the bottom. Rx means either head to ground or hands on 25# plates if using an AbMat for your head.
Max Barbell Strict Press @40-50% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 80-100# on the bar) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and barbell touching top of your chest at the bottom. Limit arch in your lower back, NO BEND in the knees.
Max Dumbbell Strict Press @30% in each hand of weight used in the barbell strict press. (If you used 100# on barbell strict press, then 30 in each hand for this) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and DBs at chest level at the bottom. Limit arch in your lower back, NO BEND in the knees.
Vertical Kipping Push Assessment
Max unbroken Rx kipping handstand push-ups: Complete as many full range of motion kipping HSPU in a row as you can. Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Once your feet hit the ground, you are done. Keep your body moving as a unit and limit any wave or worm action. Full range of motion is a fully extended elbow at the top and head to ground at the bottom. Rx means either head to ground or hands on 25# plates if using an AbMat for your head.
Max Barbell Push Press @60-70% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 120-140# on the bar) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and barbell touching top of your chest at the bottom. Limit arch in your lower back.
Max Dumbbell Push Press @40% in each hand of weight used in the barbell push press. (If you used 120# on barbell push press, then 45-50 in each hand for this) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and DBs at chest level at the bottom. Limit arch in your lower back.
Max Barbell Thrusters @50-60% of your body weight. (If you weight 200# that would be 100-120# on the bar) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and barbell touching top of your chest with crease of the hip below the knee at the bottom.
Max Dumbbell Thrusters @40% in each hand of weight used in the barbell thrusters. (If you used 110# on barbell thrusters, then 45 in each hand for this) Limit any rest (at the top or bottom) and try to move continuously until you fail. Full range of motion is a full extended elbow at the top and barbell touching top of your chest with crease of the hip below the knee at the bottom.
Toes to Bar Assessment
Max unbroken kipping toes to bar: Complete as many full range of motion kipping T2B in a row as you can. Limit any rest (hanging from the bar) and try to move continuously until you fail. Once your feet hit the ground, you are done. Full range of motion is both toes hitting the bar simultaneously at the top and feet behind the rig at the bottom.
Max weight used for 5 reps of DB Sit-up: feet anchored under DBs, DB held behind your head. Hips MUST STAY ON THE GROUND, no rocking. Full range of motion is chest to thighs at the top (or as close as possible) and shoulder blades on the ground at the bottom CLICK HERE for video.