1) “Washboard”

30 sec plank

50 sit-ups

30 sec plank

40 sit-ups

30 sec plank,

30 sit-ups

30 sec plank

20 sit-ups

30 sec plank

10 sit-ups

2) “Kettlecore”

50 KB Windmills (25 each)

CLICK for video

*Sinlge KB bottom hand, single KB top hand or double KB one in each hand

3) “Abs of Fury”

Bruce Lee’s

CLICK for video

Start with 5 sets of 3, then move to 5 sets of 5

4) “Beachbod”

5 min max DB sit-ups

CLICK for video

5) “Walk the Plank”

10 min cap:

accumulate 7 min of a plank

*10 x burpees every time you break