“Twist and Shout”
2 RFT:
50 x Russian Twists (hold a weighted object between 10-45#)
1 min left side plank
50 x Russian Twists (hold a weighted object between 10-45#)
1 min right side plank
5 rounds
30 sec Hollow Rocks
30 sec Hollow position flutter kicks
1 min rest
“Slow motion”
100 x Tempo Lying straight leg raises (3 sec up, 3 sec down)
“Cut out Abs”
5 rounds
40 x Hollow position scissors CLICK
40 x Heel touches (keep your shoulders off ground) CLICK
100 x Lying Wipers CLICK
*Videos were pulled from YouTube, the credit for the demonstration goes to those individuals, there is no affiliation with BSE