0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Workout
20:00-55:00 Workout
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
20sec Bar Hang from Rig
30sec Plank
40sec Wall Sit
12 Days of Christmas:
100m Run
2 Deadlifts @225/155
3 Lateral Bar Burpees
4 Toes to Bar
5 KB Swings @53/35
6 Box Jumps @24/20”
7 Wall Balls @20/14
8 OH DB Lunges @50/35
9 Hand Release Push-ups
10 Alt. DB Snatch @50/35
11 KB Goblet Squats @53/35
12 Bar Muscle-ups
*Pace: Get after it and have some fun!
Beginner: 135/95, Sit-ups, 26/18, 16/12”, 10/8, 25/15, 12 Ring Rows/12 Bench Dips
Scaled: 185/125, Hanging Knee Raises, 35/26, 20/16”, 14/10, 35/20, 12 Pull-ups/12 Dips