0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Workout
20:00-50:00 Workout
50:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats
10 Push Press
3-5 Pull-ups
100m Jog
Partner 16 Rounds for Time:
4 Power Cleans @185/125
6 Pull-ups
8 Wall Balls @20/14
100m Run
*alternate full rounds with partner
*Pace Goal: 25:00-30:00
*push HARD during your rounds, pick appropriate options so it is close to 1:1 work to rest ratio with your partner
*Power Cleans: should be a heavyish weight for you, unbroken should be extremely difficult, most likely steady singles
*Pull-ups: low end of the rep range we are working right now, look to stay unbroken, going to build on these
*Wall balls: good depth, unbroken
*Run: should be 45sec or less, adjust accordingly