0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Workout
20:00-41:00 Workout
41:00-48:00 Transition to Accessory
48:00-55:00 Accessory
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
10 Plate Sit-ups
10 Plate Lunges
20 Plate Ground to Overhead
200m Single KB Carry @53/35
50-40-30 of:
AbMat Sit-ups
Russian KB Swings
KB Lunge and Pass
200m Single KB Carry
*Pace: Aggressive: 17:00, Solid: 19:00, Limit: 21:00
*switch hands when needed on the carries, focus on steady, bigger sets for all movements
Beginner: 26/18, no weight on lunges
Scaled: 35/26
Accessory Work:
4 sets:
10 Weighted Hollow Rocks
20 Russian Twists (10 each side)