0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-40:00 Strength
40:00-47:00 Transition to Workout
47:00-55:00 Workout
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds:
10 Single DB Push Press (5 each arm)
10 Single DB Reverse Flys (5 each arm)
10 Scap Pull-ups
Warm-up to Bench Press starting weight
Upper Body Strength:
20 minute time block:
Static Holds
3x10sec Hold at top of Bench Press @100+% and build of current 1rm or goal max
*these are very effective in getting athletes’ mind right for maxing out and their ability to breath and brace for a heavy weight, next week we will max out
Pause Bench Press
6x1 @70% and build to heavy single
Single KB/DB Knee Supported Rows
6x3 each arm
*increase weight on rows from last week
*solid 3-second pause at the bottom
For Time:
50 AbMat Sit-ups
25 Box Jumps
50 Push-ups
25 Box Jumps
*Pace: Aggressive: 6:00, Solid: 7:00, Limit: 8:00
*big sets on sit-ups and push-ups, steady pace on the box jumps
Beginner: 16/12”, knees or hands elevated push-ups
Scaled: 20/16”, knees or hands elevated push-ups