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Cycle 1 Week 3 of 4 Day 2



2 rounds

Standing Tricep stretch x 20 seconds each way

Bent arm Pec stretch on rig x 20 seconds each way

Groin Stretch x 20 seconds each side


2 rounds

10 x PVC or empty barbell Strict Press

10 x PVC or empty barbell overhead lunges


2) Coaching Section:

  • Split Drill: 6 reps (VIDEO)

    • If there are seems in the rubber have them straddle it, this will allow them to see their foot spacing when they split so they are not walking a tight rope. On command, say “drop”. Have them focus on dropping down as if going through a trap door when they split their feet, front leg bent not quite to 90 degrees, back leg slightly bent, then say “front foot” they will bring their front foot back, then say “back foot” then bring that foot up so both feet are back under. Coach during and between. Don’t be afraid to hold them in positions. Repeat for prescribed reps.

  • Segmented split jerk: 6 reps

    • Use a PVC for this. Start in good position with feet underneath hips, PVC in front rack with elbows slightly in front of the bar. Say “dip”, they will push their knees out as if breaking a rubber band that is around their knees, whole foot in contact with the ground, chest up. Say “push” they will extend their hips and bring the barbell up to forehead height and pause. Focus on legs starting this movement. Say “drop”, they will drop into their split and lock PVC out overhead. Keep reiterating that the focus is to get under the weight, not press the weight. Arms covering ears, all mechanics mentioned in split drill. Say “front foot” they will bring their front foot back, then say “back foot” then bring that foot up so both feet are back under.Don't be afraid to hold them in positions. Repeat for prescribed reps.


Explanation/set-up of next section


3) Olympic Lifting:

15 minute time block:

5 minutes to build in warm-up:

5 x Split Jerks @50%

4 x Split Jerks @60%

3 x Split Jerks @65%

2 x Split Jerks @70%


10 minutes to work to heavy single or 1-rep max

*take the barbell from the rack


Explanation/set-up of next section


4) MetCon:

Every Minute on the Minute for 11 minutes:

3 x Hang Squat Cleans

6 x Lateral Bar Burpees

*goal is to find a level that makes it very challenging to get the work done in the minute, if you fall off pace then it will be an AMRAP for the remaining time

*earlier rounds (1-4) will be around 20-30 seconds, middle rounds (5-8) 35-45 seconds, late rounds (9-11) tough to complete

*Pace: Aggressive: 11 Rounds, Solid: 11 Rounds, Limit: 9 Rounds

Beginner: 75/55, Up Down to step-over

Scaled: 95/65, Burpee to step-over

Rx: 115/75

Rx+: 135/95



Earlier Event: March 20
Cycle 1 Week 3 of 4 Day 1
Later Event: March 22
Cycle 1 Week 3 of 4 Day 3