0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Olympic Lifting
20:00-37:00 Olympic Lifting
37:00-43:00 Transition to Workout
43:00-55:00 Workout
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
1) Warm-up:
3 Rounds
10 Lateral Hops over Bar
5 Muscle Cleans
5 Front Squats
2) Olympic Lifting:
17 minute time block
7 sets of 1 Above Knee Pause Power Clean
7 sets of 1 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat
*above knee pause power cleans: stand all the way up, come down to just above knee, solid 3-second pause, shoulders should be over or slightly in front of the bar, whole foot in contact with the ground, solid transition to the launch point at mid thigh, good hip drive and complete the power clean, weight should be moderate to heavyish so it is challenging but very doable to keep everything locked in
*work to heavy weight for the hang power clean + front squat complex, when you catch in your power clean position your feet should already be in your squat stance, if they are too wide, back the weight off so you can accomplish this
3) MetCon:
3 Rounds For Time:
10 Squat Cleans @155/105
20 Toes to Bar
40 Double Unders
*squat cleans are from the ground, we worked on good positions for cleans and squats in the first section, carry this over to the squat cleans
*Pace: Aggressive: 9:30, Solid: 11:00, Limit: 12:00
Beginner: 95/65, Lying Straight Leg Raises, Line Hops
Intermediate: 135/95, Hanging Straight Leg Raises, Single Unders
Rx: 155/105