0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Strength
20:00-32:00 Strength
32:00-40:00 Transition to Workout
40:00-55:00 Workout
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
10/10/10 Arm Circles (forward/backward/side to side)
Lat Stretch on Rig
Straight Arm Bicep/Shoulder Stretch on Rig
Specific Warm-up
2 Rounds
2-3 Pull-up negatives
2-3 Handstand Push-up negatives
3 Sets
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-ups
*can also go for max sets of chest to bar, deficit, kipping
*a good time for coaches to work with those who have not got a rep yet to get their first
Workout Prep
2 Rounds
10/8 Calorie Ski/Bike (one round of each)
10 Russian KB Swings
10 KB Hang Snatches (5 each arm)
3 Rounds For Reps:
1 minute Max Calorie Ski
1 mInute Max Russian KB Swings @53/35
1 minute Max Calorie Bike
1 minute Max KB Hang Snatches
1 minute Rest
*PACE GOAL: 12+ Calorie Ski, 20+ Swings, 12+ Calorie Bike, 20+ Snatches each round
Cycling the KB under fatigue
Consistency across a longer time frame
Your mindset is 4 minutes of consistent work, then a short rest to regroup
The feel will be an alternating lung burn and muscle burn
Steady pace on the machines, big sets on the KB, try to only put it down once within the minute
Start on different stations, but keep the format of alternating between cardio and KB