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Week 1 of 6 Day 4

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Conditioning

20:00-40:00 Conditioning

40:00-47:00 Transition to MetCon

47:00-55:00 Metcon

55:00-60:00 Cool-down


3 Rounds

10/8 Calorie Row

30sec Front Plank

30sec Wall Sit

3) Conditioning:

20 minute time block:

2 x 500/400m Row

2 x 400/320m Ski

*hard intervals, then take rest…recommend doing a set every 5 minutes, this allows multiple people to use the machine and if you truly push hard you should want every bit of that rest

4) MetCon:


3 Strict Pull-ups

6 Push-ups

9 Box Jumps

*Pace: Aggressive: 10 Rounds, Solid: 8 Rounds, Limit: 7 Rounds

Beginner: 6 Ring Rows, Hands Elevated or Knee Push-ups, 16/12”

Scaled: Kipping C2B/Kipping Chin over Bar/Jumping Pull-ups, Hands Elevated or Knee Push-ups, 20/16”

Rx: 24/20”



Earlier Event: September 6
Week 1 of 6 Day 3
Later Event: September 8
Week 1 of 6 Day 5