0:00-15:00 General Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD
20:00-48:00 WOD
48:00-60:00 Cool-down
3 Rounds
20 Line Hops
20 Shoulder Taps (VIDEO)
10 Single KB Hang Power Cleans
*KB Hang Power Cleans: good hip hinge and hip pop, rotate KB up to shoulder like you are zipping up your jacket
10 Rounds:
1-minute time block:
10 Burpees
Max Single KB Hang Power Cleans with time remaining
—2 minutes rest between rounds—
*Pace: Aggressive: 100 Reps, Solid: 80 Reps, Limit: 60 Reps
*reps are total kb hang cleans
*should finish the burpees in 30 seconds or less, switch hands when needed on hang cleans
*push HARD during the 1 minute, you get double the rest
Beginner: 8 Box Jumps @16/12”, 75/55
14-15: 20/16”, 35/26
16-17: 24/20”, 53/35