Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
10 Prone Ys
10 Prone Ts
10 Double DB Reverse Flys
3 Rounds
5 Pull-ups
7 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Explanation and set-up for MetCon
4) MetCon:
Dirty 30: “Frenemy”
Partner For Time:
800m Run
*split as needed
Partner 1: 30 Thrusters
Partner 2: 30 Chest to Bar
Partner 1: 30 Chest to Bar
Partner 2: 30 Thrusters
*one person working/one person resting, break up your reps as needed, transition when both people have completed their reps…example: partner 1 does 10 thrusters while partner 2 is resting, then partner 2 does 10 chest to bar while partner 1 is resting, continue back and forth until your 30 reps are done then switch movements, 3 sets of 10, 5 sets of 6 or 6 sets of 5 is recommended
—3 minutes rest—
800m Run
*split as needed
Partner 1: 60 Wall Balls
Partner 2: 40 Pull-ups
Partner 1: 40 Pull-ups
Partner 2: 60 Wall Balls
*one person working/one person resting, break up your reps as needed, transition when both people have completed their reps…example: partner 1 does 15 wall balls while partner 2 is resting, then partner 2 does 10 pull-ups while partner 1 is resting, continue back and forth until your 60 or 30 reps reps are done then switch movements, 4 sets of 15/10 or 10 sets of 6/4 is recommended
Pace: Aggressive: 25:00, Solid: 27:00, Limit: 30:00
*rest included in pace times
Beginner: 45/35, Ring Rows, 10/8, Ring Rows
Intermediate: 75/55, Chin over Bar, Jumping or Banded Pull-ups, 14/10, Jumping or Banded Pull-ups
Rx: 95/65, 20/14
Rx+: 115/75, Strict pull-ups, 25/20, Chest to bar pull-ups