Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
5 Kip Swings
20sec Handstand Hold on Wall
20 Line Hops
10 Lunges
Explanation and Set-up for next section
3) Skillz: Pull-ups, Handstand Walks, Pistols, Double Unders
3 Rounds (19min 30sec):
1 minute Max Pull-ups
30sec Rest
1 minute Max Handstand Walk
30sec Rest
1 minute Max Pistols
30sec Rest
1 minute Max Double Unders
1:30 rest
*this is the time go to for a new PR!
*start people at different stations if needed and cycle through
COACHES: this is a time to really work with those people to get their first rep, it doesn’t mean you neglect everyone else in class, but the beginner group is not close enough for attempts yet so they just focus on the strength, Rx/Rx+ can do a good amount of reps so they are just working on stringing together
Beginner: Ring Rows, Wall Walks, Bulgarian Squats (no weight, 30sec each leg), Single Unders
Scaled: Pull-up attempts, Handstand Walk attempts, Pistol attempts, double under attempts
Rx/Rx+: For those that can string a good amount of reps together on most or all of these movements it can get very taxing to truly go for max reps on each movement every round. It is okay to coach them to use the first round or two as practice and extra warm-up on these movements and go for one huge set
Transition for MetCon
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 7 minutes:
7 Hang Power Cleans
11 Wall Balls
*Pace: Aggressive: 8 Rounds, Solid: 7 Rounds, Limit: 6 Rounds
*challenge yourself to go unbroken all the way through
Beginner: 75/55, 10/8
Scaled: 115/75, 14/10
Rx: 135/95, 20/14
Rx+: 165/115, 30/20, everything must be unbroken