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Week 4 Day 2



Coach’s choice

Two components should always be involved in this section:

  • increase their heart rate/core temperature with movements like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, 100-200m jog, 2 minutes row or bike, etc.

  • general stretches that get the big muscles of the upper and lower body

Have some fun coming up with creative ways to get people warm and loose. This is also a great opportunity to break the ice by talking to members or the class as a whole about their day or the workout or anything like that while they are warming up


Transition and Explanation of Specific Warm-up



5 x Hang Clean High Pulls

5 x Hang Power Cleans

5 x Front Squats


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Olympic Lifting: Cleans

Every 30 seconds for 2:30 (5 rounds): 3 sets, 2:30 rest in between sets

Round 1: 1 rep

Round 2: 2 reps

Round 3: 3 reps

Round 4: 4 reps

Round 5: 5 reps

*Set 1: Hang Power Clean @65-70% (same weight for all rounds), Set 2: Power Clean @70-75% (same weight for all rounds), Set 3: Front Squats @75-80% of clean max (same weight for all rounds)

*3,2,1…go you complete 1 x hang power clean, at the 30 seconds mark you complete 2, at the 1 minute mark you complete 3, at the 1:30 mark you complete 4, at the 2:00 mark you complete 5, rest for 2:30 (until the 5:00 mark if using a running clock), then a new set begins…same set-up but with power cleans this time, after the rest a new set begins but with front squats


Set-up/explanation of next section


4) MetCon:

For Time:

1,000m/800m Row (should take no longer than 4:00, scale down the meters as needed)


3 Rounds:

12 x Deadlift @Rx+ 185/125, Rx 155/105, Scaled 135/95

12 x Burpee Box Jump Overs @Rx+ 30/24”, Rx 24/20”, Scaled 20/16”

*stagger the start by 4:30 if needed because of class size so everyone can go in this order, create an atmosphere of cheering your class mates on while you are waiting to start on after you finish

*2 SCORES: time of row and total time of completion

*Pace: Aggressive: 3:30 row/10:00 total time, Solid: 3:45 row/11: total time, Limit: 4:00 row/12:00 total time


Clean-up/scores on board


Cool-down: 3 Rounds

Lat Stretch on rig or with PVC x 20 seconds each side

Pec stretch on rig x 20 seconds each side

Quad Stretch x 20 seconds each side

Earlier Event: November 7
Week 4 Day 1
Later Event: November 9
Week 4 Day 3