Coach’s choice
Two components should always be involved in this section:
increase their heart rate/core temperature with movements like mountain climbers, jumping jacks, 100-200m jog, 2 minutes row or bike, etc.
general stretches that get the big muscles of the upper and lower body
Have some fun coming up with creative ways to get people warm and loose. This is also a great opportunity to break the ice by talking to members or the class as a whole about their day or the workout or anything like that while they are warming up
Transition and Explanation of Specific Warm-up
20 seconds x Bar Hang
10 x Lying Straight Leg Raises (VIDEO)
10 x Air Squats
Explanation and Set-up for next section
3) Skillz: Test #1
Alternating Every 5 minutes or 15 minutes:
Rx+ and Rx:
Skill #1: first rep or heaviest weighted set of Pistols (1 each leg)
Skill #2: first rep of rope climb, legless rope climb or seated legless rope climb
Skill #3: first steps or max unbroken distance on Handstand Walks
Alternating Every 5 minutes or 15 minutes:
Work to Front Rack Lunge 2-rep max (1 each leg)
2 attempts at Max Bar Hang from rig
Work to Barbell Overhead Hold max x 10 seconds
*remember to choose the appropriate level for each skill
*use formula to see how close you are to pistols, Rope climbs and handstand walks
if you can perform a Barbell Front Rack Lunge with approximately 65% of your body weight then you should have the strength to do a pistol
if you can hold for at least 30 seconds then you should have the grip strength to do rope climb
if you can walk 30' (or hold overhead for 10 seconds) with a weighted barbell overhead with approximately 70% of your body weight then you should have the strength to start walking on your hands
Weight used x reps completed = A
A x 0.0333 = B
B + Weight used = Estimated max
Set-up/explanation of next section
4) MetCon:
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes:
12 x Wall Balls @Rx+ 30/20, Rx 20/14, Scaled 14/10
12 x Pull-ups (Rx+ Chest to Bar, Scaled: Rope Pulls x 7)
50 x Double Unders (Scaled: Plate hops @4-8”…stack one of two rubber 45# plates)
*Pace: Aggressive: 6+ Rounds, Solid: 5 Rounds, Limit: 4 Rounds
Clean-up/scores on board
Cool-down: 3 Rounds
Lat Stretch on rig or with PVC x 20 seconds each side
Pec stretch on rig x 20 seconds each side
Quad Stretch x 20 seconds each side