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Week 22 Day 1 (New Cycle Week 2 of 4)



Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


2) Coaching Section/warm-up:

  • Explain two position high pull (VIDEO) and some key points of what they are focusing on, this drill is helpful for good position at the knee and a good transition to the launch and focusing on getting elbows up and back

  • On command: 2-position clean high pulls x 6

    • get everyone set, say “one”, everyone brings barbell to their knees, say “two”, everyone brings the barbell to a good launch position, say “go” they complete the high pull, get everyone reset and repeat. Don't be afraid to hold them in positions while you coach or correct some. You don’t have to do all 5 reps in a row, you can do a couple, coach some, then back to it

  • Explain slow power clean (VIDEO) and some key points on what they are focusing on, good carry over from the paused 2-position high pull to now one fluid movement but at a slower speed so they can still focus on position and launch

  • On command: slow power cleans x 6

    • get everyone set, start the slowwww 4 count, as you count to 4 they should slowly be bringing the barbell up to the launch, you will say “one, two, three, four, go”, on go is when they complete the power clean. You don’t have to do all 5 reps in a row, you can do a couple, coach some, then back to it


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Olympic Lifting:

Every Minute on the Minute for 15 minutes:

Minutes 1-3: Slow Power Clean x 2 @60-65%

Minutes 4-6: Catch Pause Power Clean + Front Squat @70-75% (dead stop pause in the power catch position, stand, complete front squat)

*when they are paused in the catch position check their feet, they should be the right width to squat, this is working to fix the common error of getting the feet too wide instead of focusing on dropping your hips so you are prepared to continue into the squat clean

Minutes 7-15: 1 x Squat Clean @80% and build to heavy single

*carry over the technical/positional work of the first 6 minutes into solid squat cleans


Explanation and set-up for MetCon


4) MetCon:

3 Rounds For Time:

30 x Box Jumps

20 x Deadlift

12 x Shoulder to Overhead (same as deadlift weight)

*Pace: Aggressive: 9:00, Solid: 10:30, Limit: 12:00

*heavier shoulder to overhead, should be VERY challenging to do unbroken, most likely 2 sets

Beginner: 16/12”, 115/75

Scaled: 20/16”, 135/95

Rx: 24/20”, 155/105

Rx+: 24/20”, 165/115



Recover/Clean up/Scores on the board


5) COOL-DOWN: 3 Rounds

Lat Stretch on rig or with PVC x 20 seconds each side

Pec stretch on rig x 20 seconds each side

Quad Stretch x 20 seconds each side

Earlier Event: March 13
TEENS: Week 5 Day 1