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Week 26 Murph Cycle 1 Week 2 Day 1



Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


2) Coaching Section:

3 Rounds

10 x Barbell Front Rack Stretch (5 each side, VIDEO)

On command:

Double Deadlift Clean High Pull + 2-slide Power Clean + Pause Front Squat (solid 3-5 seconds at the bottom)

*Command: Starting from the ground or mid-shin if they don’t have plates on the bar, “Up”, barbell comes to the knee, “Down”, back to the ground or mid-shin if they don’t have plates on the bar, “Up”, barbell to the knee, “Go”, complete Clean high pull, “Above Knee”, set up in hang position, “Up”, barbell to the launch, “Down”, back to the hang, “Up”, to the launch, “Go”, Complete power clean and hold barbell in front rack, “Down”, into front squat at full depth, hold 3-5 seconds, “Up”

*Don’t be afraid to hold them in positions and coach on key points at the position


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Olympic Lifting:

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):

Clean Complex

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Front Squat

*begin at 65-70% of your clean max and build as you can


Explanation and set-up for MetCon


4) MetCon:

10 Rounds For Time:

5 x Deadlift

10 x Push-ups

10 x Lateral Bar Hops

*Pace: Aggressive: 9:00, Solid: 10:00, Limit: 12:00

Beginner: 135/95, knees or hands elevated push-ups, Line hops

Scaled: 155/105, knees or hands elevated push-ups, Line hops

Rx: 185/125

Rx+: 205/145, hand release push-ups
