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Week 26 Murph Cycle 1 Week 2 Day 6



Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


2) Specific Warm-up:

3 Rounds

10 x KB Snatch

10 x Squat Jumps

5 x Sprawls


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) MetCon:

Teams of 3 for rounds and reps and calories

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes:

24 x Single KB Hang Snatch

18 x Box Jumps Overs

*ONE PERSON ALWAYS ON ROWER, alternate every minute, leaves 2 people working on AMRAP, splitting reps as needed, total calories scored along with AMRAP

—3 minutes rest—

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 minutes:

24 x Russian KB Swings

18 x Burpees

*ONE PERSON ALWAYS ON BIKE, alternate every minute, leaves 2 people working on AMRAP, splitting reps as needed, total calories scored along with AMRAP

*start groups on different AMRAPs if needed because of class size

*Pace: Aggressive: 8 Rounds each AMRAP/180 cal row/140 cal bike, Solid: 7 Rounds each AMRAP/140 cal row/120 cal bike, Limit: 6 Rounds each AMRAP/120 cal row/100 cal bike

Beginner: DB snatch @25/15, 16/12”, 26/18, Sprawls

Scaled: 35/26, 20/16”

Rx: 53/35, 24/20”

Rx+: 70/53, 30/24”
