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Week 27 Murph Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 3



Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)


2) Specific Warm-up:

3 Rounds

10 x Single DB Bent Over Rows (5 each arm)

10 x Single DB Floor Press (5 each arm)


Explanation and Set-up for next section


3) Push/Pull Endurance:

4 Rounds:

20 seconds of Pull-ups

10 seconds rest

20 seconds of Pull-ups

10 seconds rest

20 seconds of Push-ups

10 seconds rest

20 seconds of Push-ups

1:10 rest

*each set go for as big as set as you can unbroken then do what you can for the remaining time

Beginner: Ring Rows, Knees or hands elevated push-ups

Scaled: Jumping/banded pull-ups, Knees or hands elevated push-ups

Rx: as is

Rx+: Chest to bar or vest


Explanation and set-up for MetCon


4) MetCon:

For Time:

60 x Double Unders

20 x Hang Power Cleans @weight #1

60 x Double Unders

15 x Power Cleans @weight #2

60 x Double Unders

10 x Squat Cleans @weight #3

*weight 1 should be reps of 5 or more at a time, weight 2 and 3 steady singles

*Pace: Aggressive: 10:00, Solid: 11:30, Limit: 13:00

Beginner: Line hops, 45/35, 64/45, 75/55

Scaled: Single Unders, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95

Rx: 135/95, 155/105, 185/125

Rx+: 155/105, 185/125, 205/145



Earlier Event: April 19
TEENS Murph Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 2
Later Event: April 20
Week 27 Murph Cycle 1 Week 3 Day 4