3 Rounds:
Front Rack Stretch x 15 seconds each side
Quad Stretch x 15 seconds each side
Hamstring Stretch x 15 seconds each side
2 Rounds:
20 seconds x lateral hops over barbell
10 second transition
30 seconds x Front Plank
Transition and Explanation of skill work
2) Skill Work: Cleans
Barbell Complex
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes with light weight:
5 x Above Knee Clean High Pulls
5 x Below Knee Power Cleans
5 x Front Squats
*repetition, repetition, repetition...and instruction
Rest/Transition to rack for squats
3) Major Strength
General Squat instruction and warm-up to first weight for the 10 reps (4 minutes)
Every 90 seconds for 7:30 (5 sets):
8 x Back Squats @65% and build
*weight should be moderate...focus on depth, technique...the basics of the movement
*this is the week 4 of a linear progression...higher reps/lower weight to lower reps/higher weight
Set-up/instruction for conditioning
4) Conditioning:
Running Clock:
For Reps and distance
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 minutes:
20 x Double Unders
10 x Hanging Knee Raises
—1 minute rest—
3 minutes:
Max distance run
—1 minute rest—
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 3 minutes:
20 x Double Unders
10 x Hanging Knee Raises
*Pace: Aggressive: 5 rounds each time/600m, Solid: 4 Rounds/500m, Limit: 3 Rounds/400m
*they can do toes to bar if they have them
Clean up/scores on board
5) COOL-DOWN: 3 Rounds
Lat Stretch on rig or with PVC x 20 seconds each side
Pec stretch on rig x 20 seconds each side
Quad Stretch x 20 seconds each side