Specific Warm-up:
3 Rounds
6 x Sprawls (VIDEO)
12 x Russian KB Swings @light weight
24 x Line Hops
24 x Shoulder Taps (VIDEO)
Partner For Time:
50 x MB Sprawl to Pass (like video but pass to partner, VIDEO)
4 Rounds:
40 x Box Jumps
50 x Push-ups
60 x Russian KB Swings
*split reps as needed
50 x MB Sprawl to Pass (like video but pass to partner, VIDEO)
*steady breathe and move workout
*Pace: Aggressive: 24:00, Solid: 27:00, Limit: 30:00
Beginner: 14/10, 16/12”, knees or hands elevated push-ups, 26/18
Scaled: 14/10, 20/16”, knees or hands elevated push-ups, 35/26
Rx: 20/14, 24/20”, 53/35
Rx+ 20/14, 24/20”, Hand release push-ups, 70/53