3 Rounds:
Rig Lat Stretch x 15 seconds each side
Rig Pec Stretch x 15 seconds each side
Standing Tricep Stretch x 15 seconds each side
3 Rounds
20 x Shoulder Taps (VIDEO)
20 x Hollow Flutter Kicks (VIDEO)
Transition and Explanation of Major Strength
2) Major Strength:
Warm-up for both movements (3 minutes)
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes (5 sets each):
Barbell Bench Press x 8 @65% and build (light to moderate...focus on depth, technique...the basics of the movement)
Single DB Knee Supported on box/bench Rows x 4 each arm (build in weight)
*this is session 3 of a linear progression...higher reps/lower weight to lower reps/higher weight
Rest/transition to next section
3) Auxiliary Strength:
Alternating Every Minute on the Minute for 12 minutes (4 sets each):
Double DB Curls x 8 (build in weight)
Single DB Tricep Kickbacks x 4 each arm (build in weight)
Russian Twists x 26 (12 each way, VIDEO, same weight for all)
*reps dropped on curls and kickbacks, increase weight from last time
Transition to rower
4) Conditioning:
300m Row x 3 sets on 1 minute rest between sets
Set 1: +12 seconds from their 500m test time (moderate pace if they weren’t here for test)
Set 2: +10 seconds from their 500m test time (hard pace if they weren’t here for test)
Set 3: +8 seconds from their 500m test time (hard pace if they weren’t here for test)
Clean up/Scores on board
5) COOL-DOWN: 3 Rounds
Straight Arm Stretch on rig x 20 seconds each side
Calf Stretch x 20 seconds each side
Pigeon Stretch x 20 seconds each side