Coach’s choice (general stretches, increase core temperature and heart rate)
3 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Push Press
5 Back Squat
5 Burpees
*empty barbell
*there is a good amount of things to review, but it is worth it. It is a fun end of year workout similar to 12 days of Christmas
Explanation and Set-up for next section
3) MetCon:
The Final Countdown: “Black Out”
23 Calorie Assault Bike each (partner must hold a wall sit while other partner is on the bike)
100 Burpees
90 Deadlift @185/125
80 Alternating Pistols
70 Cleans @155/105
60 Toes to Bar
50 Snatch @135/95
40 Pull-ups each
30 Thrusters @115/75
20 Handstand Push-ups each
10 Rope Climbs
24 Calorie Assault Bike each (partner must hold a wall sit while other partner is on the bike)
*split reps as needed, when it says each you must each do the reps but you can break it up back and forth until you both complete them…example on HSPU, you could 5s back and forth until you both get 20
*the 23 cals at the beginning is for 2023, the 24 at the end is for 2024…countdown of reps in between
*Pace: have some fun and get after it!
Beginner: 135/95, Double DB Lunges @25/15, 115/75, Lying Straight Leg Raises, 95/65, Ring Rows, 75/55, Double DB Push Press @25/15, Double DB Rows 20 reps each @25/15
Scaled: 155/105, Double DB Lunges @35/20, 139/95, Hanging Straight Leg Raises, 115/75, Jumping/Banded Pull-ups, 95/65, Double DB Push Press @35/20, Double DB Rows 20 reps each @35/20
Rx: as is
Rx+: 205/145, 165/115, 155/105, Chest to Bar, 135/95, Legless