0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Work
20:00-35:00 Work
35:00-44:00 Transition to WOD
44:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 Rounds
Banded Lat Stretch
Wall Scap Slides
Forearm stretch
Specific Warm-up
2-3 Rounds
2-3 Pull-up negatives
2-3 Handstand Push-up negatives
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
*complete both movements within the time frame
3 Strict Pull-ups
3 Strict Handstand Push-ups
Building strength for these skills
Scaling DOWN options for pull-ups: pull-up negatives, snatch grip bent over rows
Scaling DOWN options for HSPU: modified (weight plate under AbMat), barbell strict press
Scaling UP options for pull-ups: weighted
Scaling UP options for HSPU: deficit
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
100m Run
5 Cleans (build to WOD weight)
For Time:
400m Run
8 Cleans @165/115
200m Run
12 Cleans @135/95
100m Run
16 Cleans @115/80
*cleans can be any style (from the ground, from the hang, power or squat)
PACE GOAL: 8:00-11:00
Steady pace on the runs, 400 should be 2:30 or less, 200 should be 1:15 or less, 100 should be 45 seconds or less, adjust distance accordingly
Heavyish singles on the first set of cleans, work on some touch n’ go reps for the set of 12 and 16
BEGINNER: 75/55 for all
SCALED: 155/105, 115/80, 95/65
GO BEYOND Accessory work (optional)
50 Banded Curls
50 Single DB Overhead Tricep Extensions