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Day 3 Week 4 of 6 Front Squat/Snatch/Pull-ups/Handstand Push-ups

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Work

20:00-35:00 Work

35:00-44:00 Transition to WOD

44:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 Rounds

Banded Lat Stretch

Wall Scap Slides

Forearm stretch

Specific Warm-up

2-3 Rounds

2-3 Pull-up negatives

2-3 Handstand Push-up negatives


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):

*complete both movements within the time frame

3 Strict Pull-ups

3 Strict Handstand Push-ups


  • Building strength for these skills


  • Scaling DOWN options for pull-ups: pull-up negatives, snatch grip bent over rows

  • Scaling DOWN options for HSPU: modified (weight plate under AbMat), barbell strict press

  • Scaling UP options for pull-ups: weighted

  • Scaling UP options for HSPU: deficit

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

100m Run

5 Cleans (build to WOD weight)


For Time:

400m Run

8 Cleans @165/115

200m Run

12 Cleans @135/95

100m Run

16 Cleans @115/80

*cleans can be any style (from the ground, from the hang, power or squat)

PACE GOAL: 8:00-11:00


  • Steady pace on the runs, 400 should be 2:30 or less, 200 should be 1:15 or less, 100 should be 45 seconds or less, adjust distance accordingly

  • Heavyish singles on the first set of cleans, work on some touch n’ go reps for the set of 12 and 16

BEGINNER: 75/55 for all

SCALED: 155/105, 115/80, 95/65

GO BEYOND Accessory work (optional)

50 Banded Curls

50 Single DB Overhead Tricep Extensions