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Day 1 Week 1 of 6 Squat Clean/Push Press/Deadlift/Time Trial

0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to Work

20:00-35:00 Work

35:00-45:00 Transition to WOD

45:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

3 rounds

Forearm Stretch

Ankle Mobility

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Specific Warm-up

3 Rounds

1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats

*build to starting weight


Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes


3 Power Cleans + 5 Front Squats

*recommend starting at 55-60% of your power clean max and building from there


  • Building technique through segmenting the lift to work towards squat cleans


  • For beginners and intermediate it is recommended that they do not do the power cleans touch n’ go. Do singles then complete the front squats after the third rep

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

100m Run

4-6 Double KB Box Step-ups (build to WOD weight and height)



400m Run

20 Double KB Box Step-ups @35/26, 24/20”

PACE GOAL: 3-4 Rounds


  • Lower body muscular endurance


  • 2:30 or less on the run

  • Steady pace on the step-ups, grip will become an issue as the workout continues

BEGINNER: Cut down the run as needed according to the time frame, no weight on step-ups

SCALED: 26/18

GO BEYOND Accessory Work

50-100 MB Sit-ups