0:00-15:00 General/Specific Warm-up
15:00-20:00 Transition to Work
20:00-32:00 Work
32:00-38:00 Transition to WOD
38:00-55:00 WOD
55:00-60:00 Cool-down
General Warm-up
3 rounds
Glute Bridges
Banded Walks
Iron Crosses
Specific Warm-up
Progress to around 70-75% of your 1-rep max
12-minute time block
Deadlift 5x5
*65-75% of 1-rep max
Building strength endurance for the 3-rep max at the end of they cycle
Maintain neutral spine and braced core when connecting reps
WOD Prep
2-3 Rounds
4 Box Jump Overs
3 Burpees
2 Alt. DB Snatch
15 Rounds For Time:
6 Box Jump Overs @24/20”
5 Burpees
4 Alt. DB Snatch @70/50
PACE GOAL: 15:00-17:00
Continuing to work on moving a heavier DB, same amount of total reps as last week, build off that. Last week was more of grip fatigue, today will be leg and high heart rate
Remember, there are weights in between the scaled and Rx versions. If you can’t use a 50, what about the 45 or 40 instead of just going down to the 35
Steady pace on the BJO and burpees
If you can’t do touch n’ go on the snatches because of the heavier weight then treat it as singles, switching hands on the ground
BEGINNER: 16/12”, Up Downs, 35/20
SCALED: 20/16”, 50/35
GO BEYOND Accessory Work
Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes
20/14 Calories