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Day 5 Week 1 of 4 Oly Cycle

0:00-15:00 Warm-up (General/Movement Prep/Specific)

15:00-20:00 Transition to Work

20:00-36:00 Work

36:00-43:00 Transition to WOD

43:00-55:00 WOD

55:00-60:00 Cool-down

General Warm-up

2 Rounds

10 Iron Crosses

20sec Lying Glute Stretch

10 Scorpions

Movement Prep

Specific Warm-up:

2 Rounds

250/200m Row

30sec Wall Sit

30sec Front Plank


Every 4 minutes for 16 minutes (4 sets):

500/400m Row

*should be enough time for two people to use one rower

*shoot for negative splits each set

WOD Prep

2-3 Rounds

4 Box Jump Overs

10-15’ Handstand Walk (or scaled version)


Alt. EMOM 12:

M1: Max Box Jump Overs

M2: Max Distance Handstand Walk

M3: Rest

*Pace Goal: 60-80 BJO, 80-120’ HSW (25-35 Wall Walks)

*BJO: steady pace, goal of consistency every round…find a height you can jump on even if that means stacking rubber plates…step-overs will not help you get jump overs, jumping will

*HSW: increased heart rate will make this high skill more challenging, shoot for consistency each round

*push hard on both since you get 1 minute rest

Beginner: 16/12”, Plank Walks

Intermediate: 20/16”, Wall Walks (full or as high as you can)

Rx: 24/20”

Earlier Event: April 11
Day 4 Week 1 of 4 Oly Cycle
Later Event: April 13
Day 6 Week 1 of 4 Oly Cycle