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Day 6 Week 2 of 3 Murph Mini Cycle

0:00-15:00 General Warm-up

15:00-20:00 Transition to WOD

20:00-45:00 WOD

45:00-60:00 Team Tire Flip Challenge

General Warm-up

2 Rounds:

20 Shoulder Taps

Walking Straight Leg March

Walking Quad Stretch

WOD Prep

3 Rounds:

10 Russian KB Swings

8 Box Step-overs

6 Burpees


Partner For Time

60 Russian KB Swings @53/35

60 Burpees

60 Russian KB Swings

60 KB Box Step-overs @24/20”

60 Russian KB Swings

60 Burpee to KB Box Step-overs

60 Russian Swings

*Pace Goal: 20:00-25:00

*split reps as needed

Beginner: 26/18, Up Downs, 16/12”

Scaled: 35/26, 20/16”

Team Tire Flip Challenge

2 Big/Heavy Tires that are about the same

Split into two teams. You can have two people at a time doing the flip or one person at a time depending on team size and tire weight. Rotate through until you get to the total distance.

100m For time